Welcome to the Louisiana Bandmasters Website
If you are a current Louisiana band director, band parent, or band student in the middle through high school grades, then you are in the right place at the right time! Read more about our association here and click the different tabs above to learn how you can be a part of one of Louisiana's finest organizations for band youth and directors. If you have any questions, please email our president Amy Kutz at akutz@caddoschools.org.
We look forward to meeting you as we aim for excellence together as an All-Star Louisiana Band family.
"LBA provides every child with an unforgettable experience of making music with other musicians from around the state. Students will have the opportunity to learn from outstanding clinicians while making new friends.
As an LBA member, I truly enjoy getting collaborate with other directors from across the state."
Amy Kutz
LBA President

Would you like to see the typical schedule for the All-Star Bands?
A small packet will be emailed to all directors with the program information. If you misplaced it or do not have access to it, have no fear! Click the following document that applies to you.
High School Blast and Jazz Bands
Middle School All-State Honor Bands
Band Master of the Year 2024-2025

Every year we take a professional panoramic picture of each performing LBA ensemble. This is a great way to capture memories from the event, display the honor of being in these all-state groups, and it serves as a reference to all the great musicians your student had the privilege of performing alongside in the
2023 LBA season. Please be ready to purchase with cash, card, check, or Venmo before or after the concert performance. You may preview the order form below. You may print out an order form ahead of time; however, we will have printouts at the event.