Louisiana Bandmasters Association is comprised of instrumental music directors from across Louisiana. Part of the mission for LBA is to provide a relaxing, enjoyable and musical learning environment for students and directors on a state level. The organization sponsors the Middle School All-Star Wind Ensemble, Symphonic and Concert Bands along with the High School All-Star Jazz Band and the High School Blast Band. Students are afforded the opportunity to socialize and perform with other musicians from around the state. Band Directors are provided a chance to meet and share classroom ideas & experiences with other Music Educators from around the state in a "low stress" educational environment as well as observe and talk with some of the finest clinician/conductors from across the country.
The All-Star Middle School Bands are comprised of students in grades 6-8, the All-Star Jazz Band is comprised of students in the 9-12 grade who are nominated by their directors during the spring semester of each year and the All-Star Blast band is comprised of students in the 9-12 grade who are nominated by their directors during the spring semester of each year. The Blast Band conductors/clinicians are selected from among the finest high school directors in the state of Louisiana. The Jazz Band conductor/clinician is selected from among a list of the finest jazz educators. A nationally known clinician is chosen to conduct the All-Star Wind Ensemble, the Symphonic Band is conducted by LBA's own "Band Master of the Year" and the Concert Band conductor is selected from among the exceptional band directors here in Louisiana.
Yearly active membership in LBA is for a calendar year from October to October. Members will receive student nomination forms in early January each year. The LBA Board and Membership meet biannually at the summer All-Star Band Clinic and the LMEA Conference in November.